Friday, March 20, 2009

A School!

Well I'm all done with boot camp and in "A" School. That's the Navy's term for everyone's first school which trains you to do the job you signed up for. It can be more complicated than that but as long as you get the basic jist of things.

So far Corpsman training is going very well. I've been assigned to be the ADJ, which is the adjunct to the instructors, Chief James and HM2 (2nd Class Petty Officer Corpsman). That just means that I am in charge of the class when they aren't around and I am at the top of the chain of command for the students. Whenever there is an issue, the students are to come to me or one of my staff members before going to our instructors. I've also been appointed to the position of EPO (Educational Petty Officer). The other EPOs and I run the night and mandatory study for students in need of extra assistance. So far, on my first of 12 tests in the curriculum, my average is 94.5%. The students with the highest average get first pick of orders so over achievers actually get something other than just pride in performance.

Of all of the choices I am looking into, I am hoping for a Marine division in either Okinawa, Japan, Hawaii, or San Diego. All have their advantages. I have my digicam now so I'll take some pictures and go further into depth on what's going on here at Corp School.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well! Thanks for the update.