Monday, December 15, 2008

My first taste of military time.

Well, on Thursday December the 11th, I found out that I was going to be picked up a day early to go to Military Entrance Processing Station (M.E.P.S.). This lead to quite a hectic weekend as I had to rush back from my friend Mia's birthday wine tasting event in the Santa Cruz mountains and pack up all my isht so Chief Gemo could take me to the Radisson LAX Sunday night. Lesson: plans are always subject to change once you sign on the dotted line. So, I leave tonight back to the Radisson where the shuttle will pick me up at 4:15 am to take me back to MEPS and then off to LAX. From LAX, I fly into Chicago where a bus takes us recruits to Recruit Training Center (RTC) in Great Lakes, IL for boot camp. GET SOME!!!

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