Monday, April 27, 2009

Well I just secured test 9 with a 93! It's getting kind of boring now. We just study medical forms and now were learning how to collect urine and shit samples. Awesome! We had a briefing on travel to our new duty stations after graduation which makes it seem a bit more real that I will be traveling once again. Test 10 is on Thursday and traditionally we choose our orders after 10 so I am expecting to choose next week sometime. This is a picture of my class this morning going into test 9. I'm not supposed to have electronic devices in the classroom so don't tell anyone!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Test 7

Well I completed test 7 of 12 today with a 98%....HOO YAH!! Supposedly after test 10, which will be in about 2 weeks, I will get to sit down with a detailer and choose my orders. My average is 95 and the only guy with a higher average is going dental so it won't matter since he already has dental orders. So unless I suddenly bomb out on the next 3 tests, I will get first pick. I'm hoping for Field Medical Training Battalion (FMTB) at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, CA. That is an 8 week course in field medicine with the Marines which prepares you for Marine tactics and structure. After that I am hoping for either a station with the Marines in either Okinawa Japan or close to home in Oceanside at Pendleton. That will be what is called my duty station, which will be included in the choice I make after test 10. So, it's coming up quickly so we'll see...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is my cousin, Cory Anderson and I at his boot camp graduation. He just graduated two weeks ago and is now in Great Lakes with me on the other side of base.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

These are some of the deer I see running around campus. They aren't approachable but let you get reallllly damn close!

Friday, April 3, 2009

My room

These are a couple pics of my dorm room. My bed is the one by the window. I have one closet to my self and everything has to be away and locked up every weekday when I leave the room. The pic on the bottom is the common area that I essentially never use. I eat in the galley 3 times a day since it's taken out of our paychecks anyways so I don't keep any food in my room. There are two bedrooms like mine in this dorm room and right now I am sharing my side (in the pic on the left) with just one room mate. I got lucky and got the quiet one. It's not too bad, the showers are even hot some times. The wifi in our room is up now so I get at least some onlin time now.

Definately not SoCal!

This is a good example of what I had to work through in boot camp. At times it was 20-30 below zero with the wind factor. Not fun...

I heard that it's actually unusual for snow this late in the season and this will probably be the last. These were taken on the morning of 3/28/09. This morning, April 4th. I heard some movement to my left by a small recreation area by my barracks and when I looked over, there was a lone deer looking through our garbage. I'll keep my camera with me in the mornings so hopefully I can snap some pics of them. It's not rare to see them, I've seen whole families. The clock tower is at the center of the base, which I actually call a campus. This place is really just a campus for the Navy's new sailors. The complex has been training sailors since 1911 and this is the original building.