Sunday, May 31, 2009

Check it out! Stone Cold Killers!!
That's Chief James in the middle and our other instructor, formerly known as HM2, recently upgraded to HM1 Shores.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So for the past couple of weeks, I've been in labs. This is the part of training where we get some hands on practice of what we have been taught in class. The best part is wearing our PT gear uniforms!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Academics are all done and we are in labs now. It's kind of slow but we get to do fun stuff. I drew blood for the first time today and we get to learn IV insertion and give shots on Monday. Our class is small; 37 compared to the average 65. That gives us a lot of free time so we nap the last hour at the bowling alley. Just a couple of weeks left until graduation and my orders have been posted online so it's for sure that I'm going to Pendleton and then Hawaii. I will have just under 2 months of working in the hospital at Pendleton which will give me some practice doing whatever I'll be doing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Well, I got my orders yesterday. I will be training with the Marines at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, CA at Field Medical Training Battalion and then off to serve with the 3rd Marine Division in Hawaii. I asked for Pendleton but it wasn't available. It really was because someone in line behind me got it but that's a whole other Navy tale. But I can't be upset with having to live in Hawaii for a couple of years, at least when I'm not deployed. I report to Camp Pendleton on June 19 2009 and will probably be done sometime in October. I'm really excited to have 14 days of leave after I graduate Corps school on June 5th and then get to start a whole new adventure which is just training for several more down the line.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Well it's allllll done! We just secured test 12 of 12 today (11May09) and the final total is a 92.75 % average which makes me number two in the class, right behind the little Filipino in the picture of the four EPOs (tutors). Either way, I get first pick of orders tommorrow since he is going to dental school after graduation. The only thing that may suck is that the2 guys who came to Corps school after being in the fleet get to pick first for that reason only, but I should still get my first choice. So hopefully, I will be training with the Marines in Pendleton for field Medical Training Batallion (FMTB) and then stationed there as well. Tommorrow is the big day so we'll see what happens.